Understand predefined reports and extracts

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What are predefined reports and extracts?

NVivo comes with a set of predefined reports and extracts that you can use—for example, you can run a report on the coding in your project.

When you run a report, the results are displayed in Detail View. When you run an extract, the results are saved to a file that you can work with in another application.

The following reports and extracts are available in NVivo:

Predefined reports and extracts Description

Coding Summary

Lists your sources and the nodes that code them—a useful way to check the progress of coding.

Node Classification

Lists the classifications and attributes for the nodes in your project. You can extract this data for complementary analysis in statistical applications.

Node Structure

Lists the nodes in your project with information about the folder location, aggregate status, nickname and color.

Node Summary

Lists the nodes in the project including statistical information about each node —for example, the total words coded to the node, the number of sources coded at the node, and the number of users who have coded at a node.

This can help you to see which themes or ideas are occurring more than others.

Project Summary

Displays the properties of your project (for example, project name and description), the user profiles associated with your project, and lists all the items within your project.

Source Classification

Lists the classifications and attributes for the sources in your project.  You may want to extract this data for use in other applications that support text (.txt), Excel (.xls, .xlsx) or XML (.xml) file formats.
If you want to export bibliographical data to reference management tools like EndNote, Zotero or Refworks—refer to Exchange data between NVivo and reference management tools.

Source Summary

Lists the sources in the project. For each source, it shows source properties and statistics, including the number of nodes that code the source.

Source statistics vary depending on the type of source—for example, document source statistics include the total number of words and paragraphs, and media source statistics show the duration of the recording and the total number of transcript rows and words.

NOTE  Node matrices and framework matrices are not included in the Node Summary or Source Summary reports.

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Modify the predefined reports or extracts

You can modify the predefined reports or extracts—for example, if you want to add or remove a field or change the presentation of a report.  Before making any changes, it is a good idea to make a copy of the report or extract.

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Restore a predefined report

You can restore a predefined report—for example, if you made changes to the report without first making a copy of the report. To do this you need to:

  1. Click Options on the File tab and ensure that the Add predefined reports to new projects check box is selected.

  2. Create a new project in NVivo.

  3. Export the report you want from the new project.

  4. Import the report into your project.

Refer to Manage reports and extracts for more information on importing and exporting reports.

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