Filter, sort and customize datasets

What do you want to do?


Filter datasets

You can apply filters to the classifying columns (fields) in your dataset, to show or hide rows that match certain criteria. For example, you could apply a filter to the column Sex so that only rows containing comments by Females are displayed.

You can apply filters to more than one column. For example, in a set of survey responses, you can filter the Sex column to show only Females, and then apply a filter to the Age Range column so that you show only respondents aged between 20-29 years. With both filters applied, you will see only rows where the respondent was Female aged 20-29 years.

When you code your dataset content using the Dataset Auto Code Wizard, you can choose to code only the filtered (visible) rows.

To filter the dataset:

  1. In Table View, select the classifying column you want to filter.
  2. On the Layout tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Filter, and then click Filter Column.

Shortcut Click the filter icon ui_filter.gif at the top of the column.


The Filter Dataset dialog box opens.

  1. Specify the filter you want to apply to the column—refer to Applying filters or more information.

  2. Click OK. The filter icon ui_filter_red.gif at the top of the column displays red to indicate a filter has been applied.


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Sort datasets

To sort the dataset by the values in a single column:

  1. In Table View, select the classifying column you want to sort by.
  2. On the Layout tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Sort By, and then click Column.

To sort the dataset by the values in two or three classifying columns:

  1. On the Layout tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Sort By, and then click Custom.


The Sort Dataset dialog box opens.

  1. Under Column, in the Sort on or Then on box, select the column that you want to sort by.

  2. Under Sort Direction, select Ascending or Descending.

  3. Click OK.

NOTE To clear all sorting, and return the dataset to its original sequence—on the Layout tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Sort By, and then click Clear All Sorts.

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Reorder fields (columns)

  1. On the Home tab, in the Item group, click the Properties image.


The Dataset Properties dialog box opens.

  1. Click the Dataset tab.

  2. Select the field you want to move.

  3. Click Move Up or Move Down.

  4. Click OK.

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Show or hide fields (columns)

By default, all fields in the dataset are shown. You can select one or more fields (columns) and hide them.

To hide columns:

  1. In Table View, select the columns you want to hide.
  2. On the Layout tab, in the Show/Hide group, click rn_layout_showhide_hidecolumn.gif Hide Column.


To show all hidden columns:

All hidden fields become visible.


To show a single hidden column:

  1. In Table View, select the columns to the left and right of the column you want to show.
  2. On the Layout tab, in the Show/Hide group, click rn_layout_showhide_unhidecolumn.gif Show Column.


You can also show or hide fields via the Dataset Properties dialog box.

  1. On the Home tab, in the Item group, click the Properties image.


The Dataset Properties dialog box opens.

  1. Click the Dataset tab.

  2. Under Visible, select or clear the check boxes of the fields you want to show or hide.

  3. Click OK.

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Change field (column) names

  1. In Table View, select the column you want to rename.

  2. On the Layout tab, in the Rows & Columns group, click rn_layout_rowscolums_renamecolumn.gif Rename Column.

The Change Dataset Column Name dialog box opens.

  1. Enter a new name.

  2. Click OK.

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Adjust column width

To adjust the width of a single column:


To adjust the width of multiple columns:

  1. Select the columns you want to adjust. To select multiple columns, select the first one, and then hold down the CTRL key while you select the other columns.

  2. On the Layout tab, in the Rows and columns group, click rn_layout_rowscolumns_size.gifSize, and then click Column Width.

The Column Width dialog box opens.

  1. Enter your preferred column width (in pixels).

  2. Click OK.

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Change the text style for datasets

You can change the appearance of text in datasets, by setting your preferences for font, size, color etc. These settings apply to all datasets in all projects.

  1. Click the File tab, and then click Options.

The Application Options dialog box opens.

  1. On the Datasets tab, set your preferences for Font, Size, Color, Bold, Italic, and Underline.
  2. Click OK.

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To return the dataset back to its original display settings (for example, the default column width and order):


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