Export Options

The  Export Options dialog box is displayed when you export a project item.

Options on this dialog


Export  This option is only available when you export nodes and certain types of sources (audio, video and picture). Use this option to select the elements you want to export. You can select:


For audio, video and picture sources, these options are only available when choose to export Entire Content. For nodes, they are available when you choose to export Entire Content or Reference View.

Name  Select this option, if you want to include the folder or hierarchical name. You can select from the following Formats:

Description  Select this option to include the description entered in the item's properties

Other Properties  Select this option to include other item properties—for example, the date that the project item was created. This option is only available for sources—the properties vary depending on the type of item you are exporting.

Related Content

For audio, video and picture sources, these options are only available when choose to export Entire Content. For nodes, they are available when you choose to export Entire Content or Reference View.

Annotations  Select this option to include annotations.

See Also Links  Select this option to include 'see also' links.

Relationships  Select this option to include relationships.

Memo Links  Select this option to include memo links.

Other Options

Other include options vary depending on the type of item you are exporting.

Paragraph Numbers  Select this option to display a number next to each paragraph in documents, memos, and externals.

Record ID  Select this option to include the ID associated with dataset records (rows).

Column Headers  Select this option to include the column headers associated with dataset columns (fields).

Open on export option

Open on Export  Select this option, if you want the exported file to open automatically when the export has completed.